House of Tresses
Hair Extension Specialists
Finding the right hair extensionist is an essential part of the hair extensions process, you need to be comfortable that you have found a stylist that has knowledge and experience to add undetectable extensions that match the colour and texture of your natural hair.
We have over 10 years experience in a variety of application techniques and offer a free consultation service, where we can discuss your personal requirements and provide you with expert advice on the best method to suit your needs.
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Hair Extension Methods Explained
Weave Also known as weft, the weave is a type of hair extension method where our stylist braids your natural hair to create a base and sews the hair extensions onto the braids using a needle and thread. The beauty of a weave, and the reason why it is such a popular method, is how undetectable it is. it also is the most secure method with zero damage to the natural hair. Your weave can last up to 12 months depending on the quality of your hair extensions and aftercare, we recommend you have it tightened every 6-8 weeks.
La Weave A series of micro rings (or microbeads) are placed in a row along your hair, close to the scalp. They are applied by threading a small section of hair through a small bead, which is then flattened with pliers to keep it in place. Once the beads are applied a weft of hair is sewn on to them. The benefit of having LA weave is how natural it feels due to being braidless, it also has zero effect on the natural hair. LA weave can last up to 12 months depending on the quality of your hair extensions and aftercare, we recommend a refit every 6-8 weeks.
Micro Rings (Also Known as Micro links) With this hair extension method, individual strands of hair extensions are used rather than a weft. smalls beads are placed near the root of your hair, threading a strand of hair extensions through the bead and secured into place with a hair extension plier. Micro rings are a great way to add a change of colour and additional length to your hair without causing any damage as no glue is used with this application. This method allows for a more versatile placement of hair extensions, whilst still being undetectable as they are individual strands. Your Micro-Ring extensions can last up to 12months depending on the quality of hair extensions and aftercare, we recommend a refit every 6-12weeks.
Nano Rings This popular method is very similar to micro rings, except they are much smaller. Tiny nano beads are placed near the root of your natural hair, threading strands of hair extensions through and secured into place with hair extension pliers. Nano rings is a great method for those with fine hair as they are very small and undetectable. They are light weight and versatile, no glue or heat is used and therefore if cared for correctly cause zero damage. Nano ring hair extensions last up to 12 months depending on the quality of hair extensions and aftercare, we recommend a refit every 6-12weeks.
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